Help make Windows Server and System Center products better. Participate in this study at TechEd, help us, and get a little gift of appreciation.
Where & When
TechEd in LA May 11-15th
Location Update: please see Find us at Teched
How long will it take
This will take about an hour. Since we are scheduling this add-hoc, we have many open spots and at the time of day that suits you. Contact us (see below) and let’s set something up.
In order to make the best possible products for managing IT infrastructure it is crucial that we understand how you work in real life, what the real scenarios are, and where you want to go with your systems and processes. This particular activity is about impacting the future versions of Windows Server and System Center. It is about getting the common 'stuff' right and we need your help.
Who are we
We are User Researchers and User Experience Designers from Microsoft who work on Windows Server and on System Center products. We are currently working on WS2008 R2, SCE, SCCM, Service Manager and other similar products.
How to sign up
Most communication of this will happen via twitter @MS_ITPro_UX. You can sign up with either of the following tweets:
@MS_ITPro_UX TechEd study. Interested, contact me at TechED
@MS_ITPro_UX TechEd study. Interested, contact me at TechED. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
The latter means those are the days you are most likely to be available. You can also give us a time you would like.
You can also contact us on email: chagelsr AT Microsoft DOT com. Please put “TechED Study” in the subject and give us the same information as above. Should we just contact you while at TechEd or is there a specific timeslot you are interested in. We will of course not send your email to anyone else.
You can also just come by the Windows Management Technologies Booth and we will make sure to post where we will be and you can sign up there.
And as a small thank you…
As a thank you for your time we will offer you a piece of Microsoft software. You will be able to select it from a list of pre-selected software. The only caveat is that in order to get the software you have to be a US citizen or have US Social Security Number. This is for Tax purposes. You are very welcome to sign up for this study without getting the gratuity.
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